This study aims to see the effect of organizational climate on job satisfaction on employees of the PT X Office, Bandung. This research is a non-experimental quantitative research using the ex post facto method. This research was using 63 samples respondent who are permanent employees at the PT X Office, Bandung. The measuring instruments used are Job Satisfaction and Organizational Climate Questionnaire.
The results showed that the organizational climate at the PT X Office, Bandung had a significant effect on job satisfaction. The influence that occurs between the independent variable and the dependent variable has a positive influence (96.8%). The positive effect can be interpretred that the higher favorable of organizational climate, the higher the job satisfaction that employees have. From 6 dimensions of organizational climate, the dimension that shows the lowest favorite value is the recognition dimension (71%) and the structure dimension (86.7%), the dimensions of responsibility and support are at the highest favorable level. Employees still have some dissatisfaction tendencies, namely in the dimensions of pay, promotion and opportunity. the highest satisfaction is the work its self and coworker dimensions.
Keyword : Organizational climate, Job Satisfaction, employees
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh organizational climate terhadap job satisfaction pada pegawai Kantor PT. X Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif non-eksperimental dengan menggunakan metode ex post facto. Penelitian ini dilakukan kepada 63 responden yang merupakan pegawai tetap di Kantor PT. X Bandung yang berstatus pegawai tetap. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Job Satisfaction Questionnaire.dan Organizational Climate Questionnaire.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa organizational climate di Kantor PT. X Bandung memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap job satisfaction. Pengaruh yang terjadi antara variabel independent dan variabel dependent tersebut memiliki pengaruh yang positif (96,8%) Pengaruh yang positif dapat diartikan bahwa semakin favourabel tingkat organizational climate maka semakin tinggi pula job satisfaction. Dari 6 dimensi organizational climate, dimensi yang menunjukkan nilai favorabel paling rendah yaitu pada dimensi recognition sebesar 71% dan dimensi structure sebesar 86,7%, sedangkan dimensi responsibility dan support berada pada tingkat favorable paling tinggi. Para pegawai masih memiliki beberapa kecenderungan ketidakpuasan yaitu pada dimensi pay, promotion dan opportunites. Dari dimensi-dimensi tersebut didapatkan kepuasannya paling tinggi adalah dimensi work its self dan coworker.
Kata kunci : Organizational climate, Job Satisfaction, pegawai
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