ISSN Online : (2528-3227)
ISSN Printed : (1907-7483)
Jurnal Psikologi published by Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Esa Unggul. This journal is an open access, peer-reviewed, this journal dedicated to the publication of research in all aspects of psychology scopes. Jurnal Psikologi is published two times a year and accepts original research articles featuring well-designed studies with clearly analyzed and logically interpreted results.
Jurnal Psikologi uses an online submission and peer review platform, which allows authors to track the progress of their manuscript and enables shorter processing times. Only submissions made through this platform are accepted, with submitting authors required to create an Account
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Vol 22, No 01 (2024): Jurnal Psikologi : Media Ilmiah Psikologi
Table of Contents
Tracy Fransiska Panggabean, Pratista Arya Satwika
Sarah Ainil Putri, Fauziah Taslim
Chulifah Nistriyani, Aprilya Dian Eky Anggraini, Maria Avelina Dato, Firsty Oktaria Grahani
Pratidina Ekanesia, Rifqi Farisan Akbar, Prinska Damara Sastri
Sri Astia Widia Astuti, Rina Anindita